Osteopathy still point

'You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.' Rumi

Still Point is a company specialised in offering osteopathic services and related manual treatments. Our vision is to create a collaborative environment for professionals in the fields of osteopathy, visceral manipulation, biodynamics, body psychotherapy and similar treatments with the purpose of research and improvement of therapeutic approach. 



Zvonka Tomasović D.O. SEP


osteopathic treatment
somatic experiencing®*
systemic constellations
support during pregnancy
lessons for students*

*available online


+385 95 9020 948

Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe

Osteopathy What Is Osteopathy? How Does Osteopathy Work? A Brief History of Osteopathy

What Is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a branch of medicine based on manual therapy whose aim is to restore physiological functions of the body by treating root causes of pain and imbalance. It is a special health care area that does not conflict with traditional medicine, for it does not treat pathological changes and/or does not apply same treatment methods. Osteopathy deals with functional problems, focuses on prevention and is complementary to conventional medicine. 

Osteopathy is based on very precise palpation techniques and strictly defined principles. Palpation (listening) is a diagnostic technique used by osteopaths to feel the condition of the tissue or system they are examining. In this way, osteopaths identify the exact location of the tensions and blockages that may cause pain, limited range of motion, poor circulation as well as other dysfunctions. By using an osteopathic approach and applying specific osteopathic techniques, osteopaths release tensions in bone and other tissues, improve the blood and lymph circulation and release nerves in order to reduce pain, improve mobility and better functioning. By doing so, body balance is restored and its natural healing ability reactivated.

Art of a good palpation is a trained skill that needs several years to develop. Osteopathic studies, which last for at least five years, are based on anatomy, physiology, neurology, and biomechanics but also on knowledge of all necessary facts that might help osteopaths to find dysfunctions, tensions or blockages causing symptoms which led the patient to ask for help.

Osteopathy was established in the mid-19th century. Its founder father was Dr Andrew Taylor Still who believed in a whole-person treatment of the patient and addressed not only the local problem. He also highlighted the need for discovering and treating the mechanical imbalance hidden behind a disease. In 1872, A. T. Still established the principles of his medical approach and named it Osteopathy.  The word osteopathy comes from two Greek words: osteon – bone, living matter and pathos – disease, suffering. According to this, osteopathy means bone or structure caused pain. Nowadays, osteopathy is much more complex and osteopaths treat not only the musculoskeletal part – consisting of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and fascia – but also organs and the nervous system. Therefore, we distinguish musculoskeletal, visceral and cranial osteopathy. To become trained osteopaths, practitioners have to complete all three educational areas of work.

During an osteopathic therapy, osteopaths apply various techniques that can be roughly divided into sensory, functional, myofascial and structural. In fact, in osteopathy there is a whole range of techniques and many of them are the combination of the above mentioned. Some techniques have developed into their own unique systems. Therefore, there are osteopaths specialised in particular techniques or to work with children, which is a skill on its own and requires a particular approach as well as additional training. Every osteopath, no matter the area of expertise, has to follow osteopathic laws and principles.

Basic Laws and Principles of Osteopathy:

  • All body parts are functionally interrelated and influence each other. Fascias connect the whole body.
  • It is necessary to establish good circulation (venous, arterial, lymphatic, of the cerebrospinal fluid) which leads to better blood flow, cell nutrition, waste product removal from the cells, better tissue quality and the healing process support.
  • Structure governs the function and vice versa – only a healthy structure performs all designated functions and the other way around. The structure treatment (bones, nerves, blood vessels, organs …) releases the functions (blood flow, movement, sleep …) which are conditioned by those structures.
  • Autoregulation and homeostasis – the body has the ability to self-heal, which enables it to achieve health. In every human body there is a natural health mechanism that can never become sick, although some existing blockages can severely reduce its acting. This system, using the biodynamic forces, removes all restrictions and in this way helps the body to self-repair. We find autoregulation even in animals. When sick, they simply lie down and wait to self-heal. In osteopathy, this mechanism is known as the Breath of Life.
  • Osteopathic approach is global; it never treats the local symptoms only but also looks for the root causes of problems. 
  • The patient is treated holistically – on a physical, emotional, psychical and spiritual level.
  • The focus is on heath rather than an illness. Osteopathy treats neither illnesses nor diseases, it treats the whole person. Every patient is approached individually. 
  • Manual palpation is the most important part of osteopathic diagnostics. In osteopathy, there is an expression Tissue Dialogue, the art of tissue palpation consisting of listening, presence, neutrality and a broader view.
  • It is not osteopaths who cure the patient. They are only the fulcrum – the point of balance used by the patient’s body, whereas the healing process is done by the patient’s own self-repair health mechanism. The role of osteopaths is to enable the biodynamical forces of the body to heal itself.
  • Every person has their own vital potential.

When we take up the principles, we get down to Nature. It is ever willing, self-caring, self-feeding and self-protecting. — Autobiography of A. T. Still


How Does Osteopathy Work?

Osteopathy aims to improve all bodily functions, parts and systems. It is based on the philosophy that the body itself has a natural ability to both self-regulate and self-heal. For this process to happen, unhindered circulation is essential. It includes: blood, lymph, synovial fluid, digestion, cerebrospinal fluid and every other internal or extracellular fluids. Bodily fluids can contain hormones, enzymes and their secretions, immunologic and anti-inflammatory factors, nutritional elements and oxygen.

Blockages that hinder the circulation of all bodily fluids, impede movement and hamper normal body functions are called osteopathic lesions. They are the focus of both osteopathic evaluation and treatments. Osteopathic lesions are functional lesions that can be physiological or non-physiological and are to be distinguished from medical pathological lesions. Blockages can even include emotional patterns that the body has adopted, but which are often reactions to stressful past or present incidents or simply learned body movements adopted by a person and repeated in specific situations. Structural changes lead to organ and tissue function disturbances and vice versa. 

In time, the body gradually loses the capacity for both self-regulation and self-healing, which can be brought on by the process of ageing, trauma, accidents, disease, surgical scars, birth, repeated actions or cumulative effects of mental, emotional or physical stresses. In most cases, patients have experienced a combination of the above mentioned. The symptoms can manifest locally in the body or, more commonly, can be experienced far away from the root cause of a disease. For this reason, osteopaths need to examine the whole body. Many of the compensation processes accumulated during life can be found on external surfaces of the body and it is often the case that, when the body cannot withstand any new changes, it “rips apart” at its weakest part, usually because of something seemingly very insignificant. At first sight, it can seem that no significant changes have taken place by the time the patient comes to see an osteopath. In Croatia, the osteopathic practice is in its early days. Therefore, it happens frequently that patients visit osteopaths already having a high grade of body compensations and not knowing where else to seek help. If there are no pathological signs present, osteopaths are likely to suspect that there are some functional disorders in the body that cause problems. Unless treated, these problems might result in pathological changes at a later time.

Osteopathy is based on the perfection of Nature’s work. When all parts of the human body are in line we have health. When they are not the effect is disease. — Osteopathy Research and Practice


A Brief History of Osteopathy

Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO (1828-1917) is considered to be the founder of osteopathy since he established it as a new scientific discipline in 1874. He believed that all we need to sustain life, already is within us, thus he searched for new ways to help the body heal itself. In his work, he was influenced by the laws of physics, Native American healing practices, ancient techniques of setting broken bones back in place, and most probably, by oriental philosophy. Dr Still believed that an unhindered flow of bodily liquids, as well as elements they contain, is essential to the process of self-regulation and self-healing of the body. The application of Skill’s principles and methodology was successful in treating not only musculoskeletal problems, but also in treating epidemics of that time, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and typhus fever, spreading everywhere and taking a large toll on humanity.

Instead of dealing with a disease, which was the current medical practice of his day, Dr Still focused on what he thought could contribute to health. He believed that there is God in everyone and saw people as holistic beings who have the ability to self-heal. He worked tirelessly to find root causes of illness and establish the interconnection of body systems and their psychological and emotional dimensions. He founded a new healing methodology by performing repositioning of bones and organs and this formed the basis of manipulative medicine. Nowadays, this procedure is known as osteoarticular repositioning and visceral normalisation. He taught his students that every anatomic anomaly can lead to illness (or that illness can lead to anatomic anomaly) and that these anomalies can be corrected by applying proper osteopathic manual techniques. His approach was based on a holistic view – treating the whole person, respecting the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual harmony of the person; man in relation to his environment and universe, matter and motion in all living beings.

Dr Still was aware of the need to preserve pure osteopathy and osteopathy as a science. Despite the fact that scepticism about new ideas was an integral part of his historical period, Still had the opportunity to prove the efficacy of this medicine model by developing it using scientific methods. In 1892, he also founded the first school of osteopathy in Kirksville, Missouri, which he named The American School of Osteopathy. The name of this school today is Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. In his lectures, Still stressed that tensions, shock, physical and psychological traumas can cause changes in circulation and working of the nervous system and thus cause illness. Later on, some of his students developed manual systems, such as cranial osteopathy and fascial release.

I find in man a miniature universe. — A.T. Still

William Garner Sutherland was Still’s student and the first to establish cranial therapy. He perceived rhythmic movement within the bones of the cranium and created the concept of The Primary Respiratory Mechanism – PRM.

John Martin Littlejohn, DO, was one of Still’s students who advocated the introduction of wider medical knowledge in osteopathy and founded The Chicago School of Osteopathy. He returned to England in 1911 and established „The British School of Osteopathy“ in London, which is still active nowadays. It is the first osteopathic school in Europe. In England, osteopathy has been officially recognised just a few years ago. Littlejohn also developed G.O.T. (General Osteopathic Treatment).

In 1929, the American Congress passed a law under which the MD (Doctor of Medicine) and DO had the same status. Osteopathic colleges all around the USA accepted the college system, licensing and regulations. Consequently, the American osteopathic profession accepted the model of medical education which included all conventional diagnostic methods and therapies, along with pharmacy, but practised ever less the manual part of osteopathic medicine. As a result, only about 10% of osteopaths practice manual osteopathy in America today, and even a smaller number of doctors practise cranial osteopathy developed by William Garner Sutherland.

The remainder of the world, Europe, Asia, Canada and countries of the Southern Hemisphere included, didn’t accept the medical model of osteopathy. Their curricula focus primarily on the manual application of traditional osteopathic philosophy and its principles.

Viola Frymann, a student of W. G. Sutherland, has treated children in California since the 1960s. Today, she is the greatest living authority in the field of paediatric osteopathy. She was the one to bring cranial therapy to Europe, collaborating with Thomas Schooley and Harold Magoun, two osteopaths with whom she, in the 1960s, came to France to give lectures on osteopathy to physiotherapists, doctors, dentists and other people in the similar line of work. They were extremely motivated by the fact that only a very few American osteopaths practiced osteopathy like it was originally conceived by Dr Still and even smaller number of them performed cranial osteopathy. There was a real danger of a net loss of this knowledge with the generations to come. Thanks to Dr Viola Frymann, and her colleagues, the manual part of osteopathy has been saved, especially the cranial part, and thus led to the spread of osteopathy all around Europe.

Subsequently, some French osteopaths founded colleges of osteopathy in Canada. The first of these schools was “College d’Etude Osteopathique de Montreal”, opened in 1982 by a French osteopath Philippe Druelle DO. Many famous osteopaths gave or still give lectures at this school. Druelle was a teacher of Velda Lulić DO who, nowadays, gives lectures in Croatia, Switzerland, Germany and Canada and who deserves credit for bringing osteopathy to Croatia where she has been advocating the official recognition of osteopathy. 

Fred Mitchell Sr developed the concept of Muscle Energy Technique MET, the subject on which his son, Fred Mitchell Jr., delivers lectures.

Lawrence H. Jones developed Strain Counterstrain.

Jean-Pierre Barral, DO is a Diplomate of Osteopathy. He is the Developer of the manual therapy he calls Visceral Manipulation (VM). Through his clinical work with thousands of patients, he created this modality based on organ-specific fascial mobilization.

Based on his ongoing research and clinical work, Jean-Pierre Barral developed additional manual therapy disciplines—Visceral Vascular Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, and New Manual Articular Approach—in collaboration with Alain Croibier, DO. Barral continues to innovate, with his latest work focussed on manual therapy for the brain.

‘Even after more than 40 years of research and working with patients, as well as educating tens of thousands of therapists around the world, “we know so little; only the tissues know.” We can think as therapists we know what to do to help a patient, but it is only when we put our hands on the person, that the tissues then show us what is needed.’ – J.P. Barral

James Jealous, DO was like his dad, a rural health care provider. His interest in the natural world began as a child and has suffused his seventy-two year journey into natural laws. He was the founder and director of the Biodynamics of Osteopathy, a post-graduate study program in the Science that underlays Osteopathy. He has received numerous awards and honors.

“Integrity demands that we speak undiluted truth. We are always perfect beginners, inspired, awed, apprehensive and self-searching.”  James Jealous D.O.

Zvonka Tomasović D.O. SEP

I was born in Split (1972), where I also completed my medical secondary education. Until I was 18, I lived in Omiš, a beautiful city situated at the mouth of the Cetina River. I have always wanted to understand how the human body functions and how it responds to our thoughts and emotions. Long walks in the countryside, the study of herbs, sports and books had shaped my way of thinking which definitely influenced every later choice in my life.

Since 1991, I have been living in Zagreb where I graduated from the Graphic Design University. After that, while working, I continued my education, choosing to do what I always loved most – working with the human body. My own experiences motivated me to further my research.

Since 2005, I have been successfully applying an osteopathic approach through treatment sessions, lectures, research and presentations of osteopathy, first at the Indigo Association and now at the Still Point company which I founded for this particular purpose.

I have graduated from The Academy of Osteopathy (today’s Croatian Academy of Osteopathy), working and studying with my mentor Velda Lulić DO, where I also earned the title of Osteopath (DO). I have been especially interested in women’s health preservation, so this was the topic of my numerous lectures as well as research works. I studied visceral osteopathy of urogenital system under Diane Laflamme, DO, who inspired me to choose my research work on the topic of primary dysmenorrhea that I presented in Zagreb, at the Academy of Osteopathy, and in Pescara, at the conference on Neurological Aspects of Osteopathic Medicine. I am also deeply honoured to have had the opportunity to study with Paolo Tozzi (MSc Ost, BSc Ost – Hons, DO, PT) – one of the leading osteopaths in the fascia field and, inspired by the work of Jean Pierre Barral, DO, I have continued my education at the Barral Institute and Barral Osteopathic Teaching Organisation (BOTO). I also worked as both an assistant and lecturer at the Croatian Academy of Osteopathy (HAO) and have been currently participating as a guest lecturer in various conferences giving presentations with the aim of promoting osteopathy in Croatia and Europe. 

For my professional development I have to thank to the team and lecturers of the Münich Group (für interdisziplinäre manuelle Behandlungsformen GbR) for their professionalism, innovation and ethics, in particular to Dr. Phil. HP Peter Schwind and HP Christoph Sommer. Both the Münich Group and J. P. Barral were and still are a great inspiration and incentive to me to continue and follow their work with great enthusiasm, for example by participating in various lectures and conferences such as: Neural Manipulation, Visceral Manipulation, Manual Thermal diagnostics according to Barral, Advanced thorax, abdomen, diaphragm and disc, Key Structures of Fascia and Membranes, Joint Manipulation:  New Techniques and synthesis with Visceral and Neurovascular Manipulation. 

Of particular significance to my work were also the lectures of Marie Laure Gentilini (DO) who specialises in osteopathic approach to urogenital system. A special revelation was a Dutch osteopath René Zweedijk (DO), a founder of the agency Panta Rhei that deals with the organization of postgraduate courses for osteopathy – with him I studied Fluids and Osteopathy, Essential of cranial work and The Endocrine System and Osteopathy.

Since 2013 I have been working as a member of an expert team on a project „I am much more than my trauma“ to help women victims of war traumas and I allow myself to think that I have contributed a great deal to the improvement of life of this needy part of the population. In order to help more, I searched for the most appropriate method for person’s survivors of multiple traumas, so my professional interest and research went towards physically oriented psychotherapy and I decided to continue my education at Somatic Experiencing®, founded by Peter A. Levin, which I finished in 2021.

Osteopathy is to me the most beautiful complementary health care discipline. It is a whole life study and a way of life. 

It is a medicine practiced from the instinct. Instinct, which is millions and millions of years old: very, very old wisdom, which is inside of us and that instinct knows its origin and lives in a different time. — James Jealous DO

Interdisciplinary integrative approach

I find in man a miniature universe. — A.T. Still

Osteopathic Treatment

How Does OT Look Like?

• Conversation with a patient and anamnesis
• Osteopathic exam and evaluation
• Treatments

Osteopathic manual treatments take into consideration personal and medical history of a patient, so if the patient already has any medical records, it is recommended to take it with him/her to the first appointment.
The first treatment includes a thorough evaluation and usually lasts for an hour and a half. The following treatments may last from 30 to 60 minutes.
After an informative conversation, the osteopath starts with the evaluation of the patient's condition by monitoring and palpation.

The examination and evaluation require the patient to remove outer clothing or to wear cotton shorts as it enables the better palpation and assessment. During the treatment, the patient is covered with a light linen bed sheet or a warm blanket. Combining the patient’s story with the results of the evaluation, the osteopath then determines a carefully structured treatment plan, which is then thoroughly explained to the patient. Once the patient has fully understood and has consented to the plan, the treatment begins.

Osteopathic treatment is a manual therapy which is gentle and pleasant for the patient. The osteopath chooses to use techniques which are not considered to be a contraindication to the patient’s condition. By correcting osteopathic lesions, blockages are removed, spontaneous circulation in the body is restored and health is achieved.

The frequency and the number of treatments are based on the patient’s needs and depend on the severity of symptoms, the patient’s condition and his/her response to treatments; also on the patient’s availability to come in for scheduled appointments. In general, treatments are scheduled once or twice a week. The total number of treatments depends on the severity and persistence of symptoms. Many patients, once improvement has been achieved and a series of appointments has been completed, continue to come in periodically as a preventive measure. 

Patients can also get professional advice and tips related to body exercises and a diet which, combined with the treatments, help them to achieve much faster long lasting results. 

On this webpage you can find information that will give you insight into the range of problems osteopathy can help with. Osteopathy is not a cure; it helps your body to work the best it can, in order to get a chance for self-healing.

Osteopathy, as a complementary therapeutic approach, has been successfully used in Croatia for more than twenty years. More and more trainees of osteopathic education are providing their clients with useful, high quality treatments. 

Osteopathy has been successfully applied in the treatment of functional tissue changes, but it does not treat any pathological conditions.

Who Can Benefit from OT?

Osteopathic treatment is helpful for functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and/or organs.

In today’s time of stress and a fast lifestyle, there is almost no one who would not benefit from osteopathic treatment, whether it is a child or an elderly person.

The treatment helps with various conditions, ranging from rehabilitation after illness or surgery, restoring vitality to a body that is under constant daily stress, or simply to health prevention.


– Neck, back and joint pain

– Sports injuries without the need for surgery 

– Injuries caused by accidents (whiplash sy)

– Cranial and vertebral trauma

– Functional spine and rib issues

– Shoulder joint, elbow and fist problems

– Pelvis issues

– Hip, knee and foot problems

– Ankle joint injuries

– ATM jaw joint dysfunction

– Mimic, speech and masticatory muscle dysfunction

– Migraines, headaches

– Dizziness

– Concentration difficulty

– Buzzing in ears

– Sinusitis

– Eye or ear problems

– Breathing problems, respiratory dysfunction, asthma

– Chest trauma

– Gastrointestinal disorders, acid indigestion, reflux, hiatal hernia, intestinal gases, obstipation, colitis

– Functional problems and heart disorders

– Functional problems and kidneys/bladder problems

– Abdominal pains and problems

– Organ ptosis

– Pains during pregnancy

– Postpartum pain

– Gynaecological problems

– Painful menstrual periods

– Scar treatment after surgical or caesarean section

– Nerve inflammation

– Anxiety, (nervous) unrest, depression

– Relaxation, stress reduction (stress relief)

– Functional disorders in children: insomnia, unrest, breastfeeding problems, intestinal gases, irritability, frequent ear inflammation, preventive treatment after a prolonged and/or traumatic birth

Specific types of Osteopathic Treatments

Cranial Osteopathy
Visceral Osteopathy
Musculoskeletal Osteopathy
Biodynamic Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy is a very subtle and gentle approach to the treatment of the whole body. This branch of osteopathy explores the intricate structure of the cranium and its huge influence over the whole body due to its connection to the spinal column and the sacrum. 

It was discovered and established by Dr William Garner Sutherland over a hundred years ago after he realised, while studying the articulations of cranial bones, that cranial sutures were designed to express small degrees of motion. Moreover, he discovered the motion of cranial bones to be closely connected to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, the central nervous system, the membranes that surround the central nervous system and the sacrum. He called this “breathing”, consisting of the motion of cranial bones and rhythmic impulses, the primary respiratory mechanism – PRM. It is independent of pulse and pulmonary breathing and is expressed at a rate of 8-14 cycles per minute. PRM is indissolubly linked to the mental and emotional health of a person and forms the basis of the rhythmical functioning of local structures and the body as a whole. Dr Sutherland named his discovery Osteopathy in the Cranial Field aiming to emphasise that what he invented was nothing new and that he simply applied the osteopathic point of view and principles to the cranium.

After many years of research, Dr Sutherland demonstrated the existence of this authentic motion in the body and named it The Breath of Life. At a deep level of our physiological functioning, all healthy, living tissues subtly “breathe” with the motion of life and thus create rhythmic impulses that osteopaths are able to palpate by performing sensory testing and applying right techniques. Many osteopaths all around the world have tried to prove the credibility of such testing. In Croatia, within the Academy of Osteopathy, several research studies have been conducted on this topic with the goal to disclose very precise results achieved in sensory test.

Dr Sutherland created the concept of primary respiration and named it the primary respiratory mechanism – PRM:

  • Primary – It is a system that comes “first.” It underlies all of life’s processes and gives dynamism, form and substance to all of anatomy and physiology.
  • Respiratory – It is the spark that gives rise to the breath as it moves through the tissues. It is the foundation of metabolism. It consists of two phases: inspiration and expiration.
  • Mechanism – It is a system composed of many parts that work together to create a whole and is greater than the sum of the parts.

Cranial therapy is an extremely gentle treatment, pleasant for both adults and children. An osteopath, using soft palpation and techniques, helps the body to restore a good PRM. This kind of osteopathic therapy is a valuable contribution to the modern way of life. It is an excellent way to remove all functional issues inside the body, especially to solve problems such as: dizziness, migraines, headaches, jaw joint pain, buzzing in the ears, frequent sinus infections, eye or ear issues, concentration problems, stress after birth, stress after severe or less severe physical traumas; it also represents a great complementary therapy for some neurological problems. This kind of therapy has shown great effectiveness in treating other conditions as well, not only in enhancing physical health of patients, but also their emotional and psychological health.

Musculoskeletal osteopathy is a branch of osteopathy used for treating bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and fascias. Relying on the precise biomechanics of the body, osteopathic laws and principles, since Still’s time until today, a wide range of techniques have been developed that effectively contribute to the functional harmony of all body structures. By gentle palpation and applying osteopathic techniques, osteopaths discover and release tensions and blockages in the body as well as enhance body flow in order to reduce pain, improve mobility and better functioning of the whole body. 

Visceral osteopathy was developed by the famous French osteopath and physiotherapist Jean-Pierre Barral. It helps with functional disorders of internal organs, such as, e.g., digestive disorders, obstipation and intestinal gases, sickness, reflux, swallowing disorders, painful periods and gynaecological problems, influence of menopause, prostate problems, emotional problems, somatovisceral interactions, headaches, migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, post operative problems such as pain, reduced mobility and impaired functions, paediatric problems such as child’s colic, unrest, vomiting and frequent ear infections.

Visceral osteopathy is effective in treating functional and structural imbalance in the whole body, including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, neurological, urogenital, respiratory, digestive and lymphatic dysfunctions. It eliminates negative stress reactions, enhances the mobility of the locomotor system by its connection to the connective tissue and improves metabolism. Osteopaths assess and treat the position, dynamics and vitality of organs, but also membranes, fascias and ligaments connected to a particular organ. By doing so, the proprioceptive communication in the body is enhanced, which leads to the revitalisation of the patient, reduction of symptoms and dysfunctions due to the poor posture.

Osteopaths assess structural relationships between the organs and their fascias or ligaments that connect them to the musculoskeletal systems. Connective tissue tensions can result from surgical traumas, adhesions, diseases, posture or injuries. Tension patterns form through the facial network deep within the body, creating a wide range of imbalances for which the body will have to compensate. This chronic irritation gives way to functional and structural problems.

One common example is an adhesion around the lungs that modifies biomechanical axes of all surrounding tissues. This can lead to altered ribs motion which, in turn, can cause functional respiratory disorders, changes of the vertebral column and, in time, of other structures. There are similar relationships between somatic structures, the fascias, muscles and joints, the sympathetic muscle system, visceral organs, the spinal cord and the brain. Another example of these links is also the relationship between the sinuvertebral nerves, the intervertebral disk, the sympathetic nervous system, the visceral organs or sinuvertebral nerves, the sympathetic nervous system, the spinal cord and the brain. In this way, someone with chronic pain can have irritations not only in the musculoskeletal system, but also the visceral organs and their connective tissues, the peripheral nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system and even the spinal cord and the brain.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can osteopathy help with my problems? Osteopaths are very well trained to evaluate whether the treatment is suitable for you or they should refer you to your GP or other therapist.  What qualifications do osteopaths have? Osteopaths are highly trained healthcare workers. They need to complete the training of minimum 5 years, if they study…

The Ocean

It is a medicine practiced from the instinct. Instinct, which is millions and millions of years old: very, very old wisdom, which is inside of us and that instinct knows its origin and lives in a different time. — James Jealous DO



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